Wednesday, 6 October 2010

 The Brand New Style Blog to make you look Fabulush!

Have you ever tried looking for fashionable clothing but the only things you can find are for skinny minnies?? (By skinny minnies I mean anyone up to a size 14 lol) Are you sick of being referred to as ‘plus size’ or a ‘larger lady’?? Do you wish there was somewhere to look for fashion inspiration?? If so then this is the blog for you.

Curvaceous Fashion will aim to search the best of the high street and find fashion which will not break the bank and will most definitely NOT make you look 10 sizes bigger than you actually are. With ‘real’ people modelling these clothes for you, to show you what they really look like when worn. The problems us curvaceous women find is that most affordable fashion is only for the smaller sizes, and the so called fashion for us voluptuous girls is either big and baggy or old fashioned. It is also well overpriced. I don’t know about you but I’m 30, and a young 30 at that. I love going out with my girlfriends, I still love clubbing and going to music festivals and all the fun stuff.

I know when I’ve been looking for attire to wear to these events its been a struggle. All the things I would love to wear I can’t because ‘I know my limits‘. I know that I would look ridiculous is most of the items advertised as the latest ‘on trend’ fashion. I refuse to wear baggy clothes which just hang, as they either make me look pregnant or 10 sizes bigger than I actually am. Even the places which say they sell ‘plus sizes’ aren’t actually modelled by real plus size people. Curvalicious Fashion will aim to show you how the clothes really look when they’re on real women
I also get confused by all this ‘pear shape’, ‘apple shape’ malarkey. I think sometimes I can look both, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. There are just a few simple rules which I abide by, people may not agree with them, but I find they work for me.

Rule 1: Don’t wear anything that just hangs. Especially if you have a large bust, it will just make you look pregnant or larger than you actually are. If you want to wear something which hangs, wear a belt to pull you in at your smallest part.

Rule 2: If you have a larger bust, do not wear anything with a high neck I.e. a polo neck, this again will make you look a lot bigger than you are in reality.

Rule 3: Don’t wear anything which is clingy I.e bodycon style dresses / tunics. I know some of you may feel ok wearing these, which is fine if you’re happy. Me on the other hand, I hate anything which will enhance my flabby tubby, I’d rather draw attention to something else ;-)

Rule 4: Don’t wear trousers / skirts / jeans which are too tight around the midriff, if you need to go up a size, then go up a size. You may feel crappy for doing it but you will probably also look slimmer for doing it.

Rule 5: Stay away from big bold stripes, no matter what direction they are going in. I have always felt HUGE when wearing stripes, it doesn’t matter whether they are horizontal or vertical. Pinstripes are not too bad, but big bold ones.. HELL NO!!

These are my simple rules in which I stick by, and most of the time I’m told I carry it off quite well (without wanting to sounding arrogant). The most important thing is to ’KNOW YOUR LIMITS’, you can’t very well walk around in a tight little mini skirt if you have chunky thighs….. Well you could, but you wouldn’t look good ;-)

So in future blogs look out for photos, features and where to buy the latest fab fashions for us curvier ladies!!

Lots of Love